The Seven C’s of Effective Business Communication

The message is said to be effective when the receiver understands the same meaning that the sender was intended to convey. For any communication in business, in order to be effective, it must have seven qualities. These seven attributes are called seven C’s of effective business communication. (All these attribute starts with the alphabet ‘C’ so are called 7 C’s)

Seven C’s of Effective Business Communication

  1. Correctness
  2. Clarity
  3. Conciseness
  4. Completeness
  5. Consideration
  6. Concreteness
  7. Courtesy

  1. Correctness

    At the time of encoding, if the encoder has comprehensive knowledge about the decoder of message, it makes the communication an ease. The encoder should know the status, knowledge and educational background of the decoder. Correctness means:

    • Use the right level of language
    • Correct use of grammar, spelling and punctuation
    • Accuracy in stating facts and figures

    Correctness in message helps in building confidence.

  2. Clarity

    Clarity demands the use of simple language and easy sentence structure in composing the message. When there is clarity in presenting ideas, it’s easy for the receiver/decoder to grasp the meaning being conveyed by the sender/encoder.

    Clarity makes comprehension easier.

  3. Conciseness

    A concise message saves time of both the sender and the receiver. Conciseness, in a business message, can be achieved by avoiding wordy expressions and repetition. Using brief and to the point sentences, including relevant material makes the message concise. Achieving conciseness does not mean to loose completeness of message.

    Conciseness saves time.

  4. Completeness

    By completeness means the message must bear all the necessary information to bring the response you desire. The sender should answer all the questions and with facts and figures. and when desirable, go for extra details.

    Completeness brings the desired response.

  5. Consideration

    Consideration demands to put oneself in the place of receiver while composing a message. It refers to the use of You attitude, emphases positive pleasant facts, visualizing reader’s problems, desires, emotions and his response.

    Consideration means understanding of human nature.

  6. Concreteness

    Being definite, vivid and specific rather than vague, obscure and general leads to concreteness of the message. Facts and figures being presented in the message should be specif.

    Concreteness reinforces confidence.

  7. Courtesy

    In business, almost everything starts and ends in courtesy. Courtesy means not only thinking about receiver but also valuing his feelings. Much can be achieved by using polite words and gestures, being appreciative, thoughtful, tactful, and showing respect to the receiver. Courtesy builds goodwill.

    Courtesy strengthen relations.

625 thoughts on “The Seven C’s of Effective Business Communication

  1. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv nice,really it is too helpfull .u must read it

  2. It helps and gives me some advance knowledge specially I’m taking this subject next semester. Thank you. Hope you will post another again. You help people not knowing.

  3. please give sentences of good and bad examples in which these all principles used give it today

  4. A fantastic article that is both enjoyable to read and actionable! The 7 C’s are something I’ve seen thrown around a lot in business circles, and I have seen them working once implemented. Although, I must add that in order to successful implement such communication in your business you need the infrastructure to handle it. That may be a business telephone system, an online team communication system such as Slack etc. Without these tools, the communication will never be as effective.

    Keep the great articles coming and I’ll be back!

  5. How all 7’c principals are interconected with one another ,if one c principal is missing than the rest of c principal would be Plzz ans me

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