Communicating effectively is a valuable asset for many activities in your personal life. Talking about your career, your way of written and oral communication is the base of your job type, promotion and professional reputation. Now the question is how effective communication skills benefit you in your career?
A Valuable Job Requirement
In careers requiring mental rather than labor, the only key to progress is through effective communication of knowledge, ideas and proposals, to others who need or should receive them.
If we read job opening advertisements in different newspapers, strong communication skills would be a must in most jobs’ description. If we talk about different job titles, communication requirements might be as follows:
Barriers to Effective Communication
Communication is the exchange of ideas, opinions and information through written or spoken words, symbols or actions.
Communication is an important part of our world today. The ability to communicate effectively is considered a prized quality. But people in the world are not alike. These differences, however, can cause problems in sending/receiving messages. Simply these are the hurdles in the way of communication and anything which blocks the meaning of a communication is a barrier to communication.
Barriers to Effective Business Communication
- Conventions of meaning
- Differences in perception of reality
- Values, attitudes and opinions
Components of Communication
We know that communication is a process of transmitting and receiving messages (verbal and non-verbal). Communication is a dialogue not a monologue. So, a communication is said to be effective only if it brings the desired response from the receiver.
Communication consists of six components or elements.
Components of Communication
- Context
- Sender/Encoder
- Message
- Medium
- Receiver/Decoder
- Feedback
Business Communication and its Types
“Any act by which one person gives to or receives from another person, the information about that person’s needs, desires, perceptions, knowledge, or affective states. Communication may be intentional or unintentional, it may involve conventional or unconventional signals, may take linguistic or non-linguistic forms, and may occur through spoken or other modes.” Or in simple words;
Communication is the exchange of ideas, opinions and information through written or spoken words, symbols or actions. Communication is a dialogue, not a monologue. In fact, communication is more concerned with a dual listening process. For communication to be effective, the message must mean the same thing to both the sender and the receiver.
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Types of Communication
Communication is a process of exchanging information, ideas, thoughts, feelings and emotions through speech, signals, writing, or behavior. In communication process, a sender(encoder) encodes a message and then using a medium/channel sends it to the receiver (decoder) who decodes the message and after processing information, sends back appropriate feedback/reply using a medium/channel.
Types of Communication
People communicate with each other in a number of ways that depend upon the message and its context in which it is being sent. Choice of communication channel and your style of communicating also affects communication. So, there are variety of types of communication.
Types of communication based on the communication channels used are:
- Verbal Communication
- Nonverbal Communication